Excel Program Inventions
Excel Program Inventions was founded in 1989 and specializes in developing expert programmer productivity software for the IBM i computing platform.

Excel Program Inventions was founded in 1989 and specializes in developing expert programmer productivity software for the IBM i computing platform.
EPI's first national product offering, TARGET/400 is an award winning expert system designed to convert and restructure custom developed IBM S/36 RPG II and OCL applications to native mode applications for use on the AS/400 and IBM i computing platforms. The software provides comprehensive features for defining and implementing the DB2/400 database as well as converting S/36 menus, screen formats, DFU's, and data. TARGET/400 was jointly developed with the IBM Migration Assistant licensed program and is recommended by the IBM National Solution Center. It has repeatedly been IBM's tool of choice when providing conversion services to its S/36 customer base both in the U.S. and abroad under license.
With TARGET/400 firmly established as a market leader once again it showed small software houses could not only compete with the computer giants but lead the way in producing superlative innovative software solutions to solve real world problems. And at a price small to medium sized companies can afford. This has been EPI's ethos ever since. We are committed to continuing to offer best of breed software solutions to modernize and update legacy applications going forward. We believe existing software investments should be protected and not lost. We also believe like trying on new clothes, software should be provided on a free "try before you buy basis" to first see if it fits. We therefore provide free no obligation trials of all our software products. We firmly believe our software speaks for itself and can't think of a better way of assuring customer's up front they are selecting a best of breed software solution when choosing our software to get the job done.
Introducing IDA and automatic RPG for the IBM i.
It's a perpetual license you get to use the software for as long as you like on the designated system.
No extended product maintenance and support is optional but we advise it so you can continue to get product support and free upgrades and bug fixes when they come out.
No. To help with costs we offer license transfers at a 80% discount on the license fee so you can affordably port our software to a new machine and continue to use it. Upgrading to new hardware is expensive enough.
The no obligation RAPiD trial download gives you 30 days to use the software inhouse for free so you can check it out before ordering.
We have been developing and providing expert software solutions to customers since 1989.
+1 562 366-0350